Careful: It's Hazardous!
Dustin Riley, Oconomowoc Country Club, Oconomowoc, WI:
 "Last fall we were able to restore the pond bank on #13. Years of muskrat activity along with Wisconsin's freeze/thaw cycles caused the slope to deteriorate. A contractor re-shaped the bank resulting in a nice gentle slope. The new Kentucky Bluegrass intermediate rough provides a beautiful outline of the fairway contour. Following the re-grading process, the staff performed a detailed surface preparation for seeding. Galvanized steel fencing and high strength erosion matting was installed to limit future muskrat damage and bank erosion. The seed has begun to germinate and will continue to grow through the matting to stabilize the slope. Eventually, the grass on the slope will knit together and completely cover this matting.
 The erosion matting and underlying steel fencing is designed to stabilize the slope and slow future bank deterioration, not to provide an 'in-play' surface.
Although this new slope along the pond will be regularly maintained, it is marked as a water hazard. If a mishit golf shot comes to rest on the slope, care must be taken if a follow-up golf shot is to be attempted. First, please be cautious while walking across any exposed matting as the netting could snag golf cleats. Secondly, it is unknown how a golf club will be affected by the matting if a shot is attempted. Please use caution if attempting a golf shot from within the hazard on #13."
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