Ondina Sand and Bunker Cleaner
Justin Parker, equipment tech, Stow Acres Country Club, Harvard, MA:
"Here at Stow Acres Country Club, our bunkers are perpetually invaded by stones. The primary cause for this issue is the age of the bunkers, as they were installed before bunker liners became common practice. The liner keeps the rocks from permeating through the base layer into the playable sand.
With adding sand being a losing battle, this year we looked into alternatives to remove the rocks that our golfers were coming across with their sand wedges. Enter the Ondina Sand Cleaner. It was imported from Italy by H. Barber and Sons in CT to deal with the tar balls from the Gulf Oil Spill. This machine digs up to 4″ into the sand trap and vibrates the sand through a screen, filtering out any rocks, acorns, pinecones, or debris it comes across.
This machine will allow us to address the bunkers that need the most attention first, and remedy the current situation faster than we could by renovating and installing liners. The down side to this approach is, it's certainly less of a permanent solution. Each bunker that is cleaned will have to be routinely inspected and re-cleaned when necessary. Having this piece of equipment on the property will certainly make it easy to keep up with the demand though.
We are very pleased with the efficiency of the Ondina. Here you can see just how many rocks were removed from the bunker behind 1 North Green. This gives a slight idea of what we're up against in trying to properly address the sand quality in our bunkers on both courses.
Visit Justin's blog at golfcoursetech.wordpress.com