A Celebration of TEAM!
Josh Clevenger, Claremont Country Club, Oakland, CA:
 "Monday we held the First Annual "Deep Tine" Open at Claremont CC. This tournament was put together by the Green Committee and meant to celebrate the efforts and accomplishments of the staff in the Turf Department. A major thanks to Scott Stone for the suggesting we hold the event and the idea for the name "Deep Tine Open".
The staff prepared the golf course for themselves and their playing partners as if it were the biggest event of the year. A 10am back nine shotgun followed by a BBQ in the redwood grove made for a great day for those of us in the Turf Department and the members who joined us.
The winning foursome, with a score of 3 under par was: Don Dorward, Octavio Ramirez, Miguel Victor and Mike Newbould. Their names soon to be displayed on the prestigious trophy that will hang on the wall of the maintenance facility!
"For many, this was their first time on the golf course as players, not workers..." |
The help and support from all of the members involved with this event meant so much to the staff in the turf department and without that support, this event does not happen. For many, this was their first time on the golf course as players, not workers. The day was all about fun but at the same time, the staff got a taste of what it's like to see the course from the perspective of the golfer. We look forward to many years of the Deep Tine Open and many fond memories on the golf course."
Visit Josh's blog at claremontturf.blogspot.com.