Ground-penetrating radar...
Cory Jansen, Westmount Golf & Country Club, Kitchener, Ontario:
"We have had some issues with the grass on the putting green this season. In a nutshell, the green was very wet throughout the season despite not being watered. Grass - and especially bentgrass - does not like 'wet feet' and the green thinned out to unnacceptable levels.
Since these problems weren't there in prior years, I believe that there is a subsurface drainage issue happening. The green was built in 1987 and I have no records detailing it's construction. The picture above shows the green being scanned with ground penetrating radar. This will give us a picture of what's beneath the surface including drainage pipes, irrigation pipes, and depth of rootzone mix. This information will help us diagnose the problem and come up with a solution."

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