The Donald...
Dan Salois, Highland Meadows Golf Club, Swanton, OH:

"I apologize for not blogging much over the last couple of weeks. We have been suprisingly busy here in the maintenance department. Fairways have been punched, the sun has been shining (until today) and while golf rounds are high, my staff is pretty low. We have only a handful of guys left for the season, so you may spot me on a tractor now and again.
 Also, one of my suppliers took me out of town for three days to visit a production facility, meet with other superintendents using their products, visit some top-notch golf courses, and network with peers from the Carolinas to Canada. It was an interesting and educational trip.
I won't bore you with all the 'turf nerd' stuff from the trip, but one of the facilities we toured was Trump National Golf Club. Overall, a spectacular facility built on the rolling estate of former automotive mogul John Delorean. The club (using Delorean's old mansion and outbuildings) and golf course were amazing. My favorite part of the trip had to be when we toured their maintenance facility, I found out that Donald Trump will put his name on everything, even spray equipment.
Gotta love the Donald. For better or worse, he keeps it interesting."
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