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DIY job application basics...

Matt Leverich


Over the course of the last several years I have covered different aspects of creating good career materials. From tips on resumes to hiring professionals to create your personal brand through websites and portfolios, we have covered a lot of material. And I intend to cover much more in the future.

However, I've never compiled any kind of resource to some basics on job applications - your cover letter, resume and references. So, here are some links to what I consider the baseline must-haves on these documents for your use and reference:

Best Tips for Resumes

Creating a Great Cover Letter

Guidelines for Professional References

Each one of these articles will give you an excellent opportunity to execute your career advancement and goals, and it is handy to have them compiled together right here. Of course you can (and should) do much more to stand out by hiring a professional and building a website and portfolio. But at the very least following these guidelines is a good first step. Best of luck on your next application.

Never underestimate the value of this seldom used tool. In today's world this simple act resonates more than almost anything in creating an impression on the recipient...

On a related note, I have seen an increase in the number of you who have gotten back to hand-written thank you notes for applications and just use in general. It's great to see and I try to include a reminder post once a year on it. Never underestimate the value of this seldom used tool. In today's world this simple act resonates more than almost anything in creating an impression on the recipient. I have put together custom cards for several of you already and hope to get many more requests going forward because I truly believe in this effort and hope it catches on much more.

For my full layout of this idea, check it out here.


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