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Randy and the gang at Rockbottum Country Club pontificate on Rockbottum wisdom and skeletal golf, among other madness.

Entries in this blog

What's In There Sober, Comes Out Drunk

Alcohol is a poison that has used modern advertising to positively associate itself with sports, romance, business and even fitness.  We are encouraged to drink and cheer on our favorite athletes, to yell at screens, to use beer as a post-workout supplement and we are told that romance is enhanced by bubbly alcohol . . . when the opposite is true.  Successful business meeting planners rely heavily on the 90 proof lubricant. Alcohol is commonly self-prescribed for timidity, fear, unhappiness

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Storytime

The Chill Watch

Thanks to modern wearable technology, it's possible for the average technoid to quickly identify and nullify harmful stress triggers. Just cleverly mate an advanced wristwatch with your hand computer and reap the benefits!  For more info, watch the following short film.  

When That Day Comes

There are subtle clues that surface when one is nearing a career shift or even retirement phase.  These clues, often manifested by certain actions or statements normally suppressed during peak career, can become visible during what Rockbottum CC scholars call "Too Much Time In The Saddle".  Here are a few examples*, along with a short training film, circa 2016. Fester N. Boyle, Green Chairman, approaches while you are hastily repairing a giant irrigation break and says, "Willy, you're almos

Hoban's Digital Ball Secrets

This episode of Rockbottum Radio is a hybridized Podcast/Radio Show starring Mark Hoban, the Jedi Master of golf turf.  He forced his way into our studio and demanded we tell the truth about his USGA Metrics Ball methods and results.  We managed to trick him into going to lunch early so we could complete the show and slip in a bonus Story Time. Presented by DryJect. Randy mentions the film, Chasing Rivermont, with Mark Hoban. We embedded it below:  

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Can We Stop . . . "THEM?"

This year's Halloween film is Can We Stop . . . "THEM?" Last year's film, "In The Back Of The Night"  was deemed too scary for normal golf folk, so we toned it down to just mildly terrifying this year. NOTE:  Ludell, as presented here, is not real.  He is AI, which is part of the message of the film.  

Take The Official Golf Aptitude Test

Are you sure you're working in the right job?  Take the Official Rockbottum CC Aptitude Test and find out exactly where you belong in the golf industry. Scenario #1    You are repairing an irrigation break in the middle of the fairway on a crowded Friday afternoon in the heat of August.  Several greens are burning.  Golfers repeatedly demand that you move, as you are in great danger.  Do you:    A. Move to the left rough and cower behind a tree. B. Fearlessly remain in the center of

Countering "Stressure" With The Wayback Machine

"Stressure"     That's what happens when you combine job stress with August.  In order to counter stressure, we look forward to autumn, early winter and family time during the upcoming holidays. Here at The Rock, we have a tradition that involves looking back in order to survive the last few weeks of summer:  We reach into the vault and share video artifacts from way back.  Not only will this stabilize your brainwaves, but folks brand new to golf can learn what to expect during a typical da

Lightning Strike Detection

Have you noticed an increase in rainfall amounts?  Here at Rockbottum CC, we are convinced it's due to cloud-seeding carried out by companies like SOAR or Seeding Operations Atmospheric Research.  Just like steroids have side effects, when a storm gets all artificially jacked up, stuff happens:  Heavy rain, more wind damage and  . . . lightning. That's why we at Rockbottum CC are leading the way in the area of Lightning Detection.  

Rockbottum Radio: Attack of the Screenagers

Things get a little touchy at Rockbottum Country Club as all sorts of factors converge to create a divisive, unstable golf course environment. Economic pressures mount, new regulations choke the workflow and another screenager joins the crew, driving Momma to the point of madness. Okay, maybe it's just a short putt.  

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Are You A "Soft" Man?

What's really behind the "Soft Man" epidemic?  Why are dogs so happy?  Do you know how to counter the CGC, or the "Chronic Golf Complainer"? Learn the answers to these questions, plus Uncle Obie reveals how to never get lost in the woods.  All this and more, on Rockbottum CC.  

Rockbottum Lost A Family Member

In this episode of Rockbottum Radio, we pay tribute to Matt Jones, longtime member of Rockbottum, former Golf Course Superintendent, GM, US Army vet and more. In the second half of the show, we experience a rather severe outbreak of gossip, back-biting, name-calling and false witness bearing, which leads to Momma finding a solution to this current social media plague. (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Heatherns At The Gate

Do you secretly watch Rockbottum CC, the longest running webisode on the entire internet?  You're not alone.  If you're new here, try to follow these rules and your job will be safe:  Never admit you watch, even to your most trusted associates.  Don't admit actually  knowing anyone from Rockbottum . . . and never, ever say anything in the comment section.        Now watch this film or I'll tell Momma.             

Countering The Invasive Species

My first encounter with invasive species on the golf course was with the Russian Thistle, a thorny, rolling, seed-spreading bush commonly called The Tumbleweed.  It happened on a raggedy 9-holer out in the barren Kettleman Hills of California, miles from nowhere.  I had been left alone to manage the course while Dad tried to make the cut in some tournament. At age 13, I could run the pro shop fairly well, clean the pool and pick the range, but I was an awful bartender.  I was nervous stayin

Rockbottum Radio: Tell it all, Brother, tell it all...

In this sensitive and revealing episode of Rockbottum Radio, the entire crew tells it all, aided by literary inspiration from Matt Jones and Peter McCormick... and Momma's Mushroom Truth Serum. Learn what really happened on Ludell's honeymoon and how Rockbottum plans to handle the ball rollback and Golf A.I.  Buddy returns from working on Science Interfusional National, an A.I. course, and then RW screws everything up by telling why he's been deliberately provoking the Imperials for 50

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: How to live a calm, peaceful life as a GCS

In this episode of Rockbottum Radio, learn RW's secret for living a calm and peaceful life on the golf course, regardless of the challenges we face in the years ahead. *Note:  This is not your daddy's podcast. It's more like your grandpappy's radio show from 1937. (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

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