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Randy and the gang at Rockbottum Country Club pontificate on Rockbottum wisdom and skeletal golf, among other madness.

Entries in this blog

Hoban's Digital Ball Secrets

This episode of Rockbottum Radio is a hybridized Podcast/Radio Show starring Mark Hoban, the Jedi Master of golf turf.  He forced his way into our studio and demanded we tell the truth about his USGA Metrics Ball methods and results.  We managed to trick him into going to lunch early so we could complete the show and slip in a bonus Story Time. Presented by DryJect. Randy mentions the film, Chasing Rivermont, with Mark Hoban. We embedded it below:  

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: Attack of the Screenagers

Things get a little touchy at Rockbottum Country Club as all sorts of factors converge to create a divisive, unstable golf course environment. Economic pressures mount, new regulations choke the workflow and another screenager joins the crew, driving Momma to the point of madness. Okay, maybe it's just a short putt.  

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Lost A Family Member

In this episode of Rockbottum Radio, we pay tribute to Matt Jones, longtime member of Rockbottum, former Golf Course Superintendent, GM, US Army vet and more. In the second half of the show, we experience a rather severe outbreak of gossip, back-biting, name-calling and false witness bearing, which leads to Momma finding a solution to this current social media plague. (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: Tell it all, Brother, tell it all...

In this sensitive and revealing episode of Rockbottum Radio, the entire crew tells it all, aided by literary inspiration from Matt Jones and Peter McCormick... and Momma's Mushroom Truth Serum. Learn what really happened on Ludell's honeymoon and how Rockbottum plans to handle the ball rollback and Golf A.I.  Buddy returns from working on Science Interfusional National, an A.I. course, and then RW screws everything up by telling why he's been deliberately provoking the Imperials for 50

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: How to live a calm, peaceful life as a GCS

In this episode of Rockbottum Radio, learn RW's secret for living a calm and peaceful life on the golf course, regardless of the challenges we face in the years ahead. *Note:  This is not your daddy's podcast. It's more like your grandpappy's radio show from 1937. (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Two Things You Can Do To Save Your New Year's Resolution

In this episode of Rockbottum Radio, RW reveals one of the key methods behind the success of Rockbottum CC: the proper use of the New Year's Resolution.  Also, Buddy gets "tooken" and Ludell, Willy and Momma form a posse to rescue Buddy. (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: Positivity Defeats Adversity

In this episode, RW hands out the coveted Rockbottum Major Award for the best TurfNet Forum Topic ever.  Momma has a lively discussion with a government official who mistakenly believes Social Security is an "Entitlement" while helping him realize the folks north of Richmond need to improve their listening skills.  Also, RW explains how to achieve positivity on the golf course by being positive, not just sounding positive.  

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: A New Plan for Golf

In this episode of Rockbottum Radio, a serious discussion breaks out amidst the usual goofiness, pointing out how golf is about to enter The Fourth Turning.  The Rockbottum gang attempts to prepare for the onset of anti-logic perpetrated upon golf by the Rad-Greens and other irrational, oxygen-starved attention seekers.  Join us for the brilliance of Ludell, Momma, Willy and Boof as they duel with a carpetbagger from out west somewhere. (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Solving The AI Threat to Golf

In this episode, the Rockbottum CC gang gets tangled up in AI golf, but Momma figures out how to neutralize the situation. (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: 3 Tales from the Rockbottum Vault

Rockbottum Radio presents our annual Halloween broadcast, with not one, but three spooky golf stories.  These stories are full of scary messages and at least one real good golf course management tip, so send out the crew, close the office door and settle in for some golf trauma as only Rockbottum CC can share. (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: How Did We Get HERE?

In this episode of Rockbottum Radio, Rockbottum CC's latest hire prefers to work from home, inflation takes a toll on course operations, and RW shifts his customer emphasis from thrifty golfers to the elite class.  A run-in with royalty leads RW to wonder how we got here. (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: Got N? Plus, the Perfect Job Interview, and Homeowners Hit by Balls

In this episode, RW and the Gang reveal how to get nitrogen, along with a short demonstration of the perfect job interview and included is an extremely in-depth segment of Unfiltered News.  Storytime is a conflagration of Homeowners hit by Balls and if you stay to the very end, you will be rewarded with information that might save your turf from thinning like my hair. (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: Are You Ready for a Change?

In this episode, RW and the gang deliver an emergency warning about an Army Worm invasion, reveal our progress in golf course robot evaluations, discuss the big change coming in golf and explain why those folks at The Masters need a wall. In "Storytime" we tell about our favorite time on the golf course. Presented by DryJect. (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: A Failure of Leadership...

In this episode of Rockbottum Radio, RW reveals an important secret to leadership success, while Jelsik gets a rough mower stuck in the lake and Boof loses his radio. Cletus is forced to put those nasty water jugs back out, Ludell makes his illegal mushroom burgers again and the beer cart driver quits. Momma inspects the bunkhouse and the winner of The Turpentine Corncob is announced.  Just a normal day at Rockbottum CC. Presented by DryJect.  

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: "A Fool's Name is Like His Face . . ."

In this episode of Rockbottum Radio, RW discusses working for corporations and the increasing complexities of lengthy supply line disruptions in modern times.   Ludell returns from the future to explain how Gen Z solved the problem of professional politicians... and reveals what golf can expect from corporate water tech. In Storytime, RW tells the tale of his first encounter with corporate indentured servitude:  Woolworth's. Presented by DryJect. (This podcast has been archiv

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Randy Wilson: Rockbottum Radio, Christmas 2020

In this Christmas 2020 episode of Rockbottum Radio, RW and the gang go in depth on several of their ideas for dealing with the golf surge, from the good to the bad to the ugly. Momma develops her best ever method for dealing with golfer complaints and then for Storytime, RW tells about the mysterious Coach Zontek (not the one you might think...). Happy Holidays from Rockbottum Country Club, and here's to a MUCH better 2021! (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: Great Leaps Forward (and backward) in Golf

In this episode of Rockbottum Radio, RW and the Rockbottum gang discuss Great Leaps Forward (GLFs) in Golf, along with a few Great Leaps Backward. They also present the Rockbottum CC Frying Pan for Excellence in Skeletal Golf Theory Award to the winner. In Storytime, Willy tells about the time an evil golf pro made a great leap backward with a little help from a teenager who shall remain nameless. Presented by DryJect. (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd li

Peter McCormick

Peter McCormick in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: Rivermont - not the ABCDEFGs - is the Future...

In this October episode of Rockbottum Radio, RW explains why Rivermont Golf Club is the Model for the future of golf... Ludell recalls the worst GCS tyrant ever... and the gang discusses what makes the best face masks. Before he takes us along for a trip to the dermatologist, RW tells how to be a legendary golf architect. Also, just before heading out to early vote, the pro shop tunes into a mysterious broadcast from RW's long forgotten Altered Ego, Ydnar, who offers a solution to the chaos

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: News, Tips & Analysis for August, 2020

In this episode, RW and gang deal with "News Depression" and how to fix it, as well as "Skin Cancer and The GCS"... and our solution.  Rockbottum tackles questionable turf lab results and the best way to cure them, and studies an important survey that affects the golf course crew. Also, they discuss spoiled tour players, the impact of social media on our jobs, and then go in-depth on the current golf boom and how to sustain it. Presented by DryJect. (This podcast has been arc

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: Facing A Renovation? One Thing You Need To Know...

In this more serious episode from Rockbottum Country Club, we share our experience in golf course renovations and resurrections. In Storytime, we tell about one of our most successful reno projects ever. Cletus solves the coronavirus mask shortage problem; visiting "Science Boy, Ph.D." tests a new technique for killing sting 'todes, and Willy gets thrown in timeout for fighting amongst himself. Presented by DryJect.  

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: Why Can't We Be Friends?

In this episode of Rockbottum Radio, RW changes things up and leads off with Storytime, telling about the time he led a protest movement to overthrow a high school cafeteria. Then, as Anti-Golf occupies Rockbottum CC, turning it into a free "People's Park", chaos is averted as Ludell defuses the situation with a brilliant strategy that involves golf, mushrooms and common sense. RW explains his solution for fixin' all this turmoil, in the midst of a big manhunt for Cletus, who supposedl

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

Rockbottum Radio: Positive Energy Defeats Negative Vibes

In this episode of Rockbottum Radio, direct from deep in the TurfNet Zone, Willy preaches the power of positive energy in the face of the negative vibrations emanating from... well, just about everywhere these days. Multi-tasking while preaching, Willy also must deal with troublesome golfers, weakening infrastructure, another Mushroom Burger Day, and allegations of poison on the Food and Beer cart. Boof whips up an Ipecac martini to silence an uppity golfer. During the hallucinogenic b

Randy Wilson

Randy Wilson in Podcast

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