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Dave Wilber goes hard at it and never pulls any punches when it comes to agronomy.

Entries in this blog

The Turfgrass Zealot Project, Special Episode: Celebrating Jerry Coldiron

A great friend of TurfNet, Jerry Coldiron, needs to be remembered as the wonderful, amazing man that he was.   Peter McCormick, founder and Maestro of TurfNet, chats with me about the passing of a great friend and Turfhead. To so many, Jerry was a light of positive influence... and his untimely and unexpected passing will leave a huge hole in the industry.   We speak candidly about what relationships mean and how the relationships that last are formed and maintained. And we tell some good st

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Joy and Agony of Preparing for a Turf Talk

I don't do many speaking gigs.    That seems weird for a guy who loves and eats and drinks communication. It's not that I'm afraid of public speaking. That fear went away long ago. It's not that I don't love the actual events. I marvel at the quality of the education that is presented to Turfheads and how good the interactions can be.   What makes me take on just a few of these every year and be very picky about who I am speaking to has to do with the mental side of preparing for these very

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project Ep. #31: Only Wilber on The Open Championship

Why is The Open Championship of Golf required watching, listening and study for Turfheads?    Do you know that The Open was once an event set aside for greenkeepers, clubmakers and caddies? What are the key features of Royal Birkdale, host of the 146th year that this event has been played? How does the weather and the grasses play into who will win and who will lose?   This is my impassioned opinion about the Soul Surfing that is links golf. And why events played on The Links are so special.

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project Ep. 30 with Guest Justin Woodland

You don't know Justin Woodland. Ok, maybe you do. But you probably don't. And guess what? You need to know him. Here is your chance.   Justin is one of those people that I think should be required meeting if you are going to understand the reality of the business of golf and of Greenkeeping itself. He's got the "It" factor that I look for and yet, will probably never see what so many think is "the spotlight". Justin is doing it his way. And he's now got a fire to help others learn. A grass roo

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project, Ep. #29 with Kevin Hicks

Innovation. It's one of the great and wonderful words in our business. I get to chat with Kevin Hicks, superintendent at Coeur d'Alene Golf Club about thinking ahead.   How's your strategy for looking at new ways to do the same old, same old? Or does it get old at all? A great interview with one of the most forward thinking supers in our business. And we get to talk about all kinds of everything that always leads back to talking grass.  

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project, Ep. #28, Talking Education with Thomas Bastis

If I have a man crush, it may be with Thomas Bastis of the California Golf Club of San Francisco. That may not be much of a secret, but it's true.   Thomas and I had a chance to record a cool interview talking about education and giving back as a Superintendent. It's a wonderful concept that doesn't always work.   This podcast represents my return from a brief sabbatical to get reenergized and to get through some personal challenges as well.      I'm excited to have Thomas be my first g

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project, Ep. 27 with guest Kevin Ross of CC of the Rockies

Join me as I interview Kevin Ross, CGCS, about the state of the "superintendent job" and his upcoming retirement from the golf course.   We talk about everything. Especially his upcoming job change. And his time at The Ryder Cup. And much much more.   I love Kevin. He's one of my favorite people and favorite Turfheads. Anywhere.   So I am humbled and honored to have him join us!    

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

Let's Talk About Karma

About this time of year, every year, I get some similar communications. They may be different in content, but the context is simple. Sometime, during the course of the season, someone did someone wrong. Be it a GM throwing a super under the bus, a super trashing an assistant, a sales rep repeating something that was said in confidence, etc. You get the picture.   I studied this a while back when I didn't understand why bad stuff kept happening to good people. And vice versa. It made things m

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

Seven Reasons Why I Think The Ryder Cup is the Greatest Event in Golf

I don't love large tournament golf.     I don't. It is a degree of unreality that I've been outspoken about for years. Except for The Ryder Cup. If all the other events vanished, I'd be ok. But take away the greatness of The Ryder Cup and you'd hear me cry "Foul". Loudly. To me, there simply is no better competition in our world. Keep reading. I'll make you a convert.   1.  Stroke Play Sucks. When I think back to the roots of golf, I just don't see two guys going out and having a wee nip at

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project, Special Episode with Chris Tritabaugh

I got a chance to chat with Hazeltine National's Golf Course Superintendent Chris Tritabaugh about Ryder Cup preparations.   Chris was kind enough to give some time for a conversation about his last preparations for the 2016 Ryder Cup. A special guy and a special episode and a special event.   The Turfgrass Zealot Project is brought to you by Klingstone, proven bunker performance for over 15 years.      

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project, Ep. #26 with Guest Ike Stephens, YouTube Trucker

Ike Stephens is a legend. His YouTube videos about trucking and the trucking lifestyle are known as some of the most unique on the internet.   Join me as I get to know Ike. You may not think of Ike as a "turfhead", but the more he speaks, the more you realize that trucking and turfgrass management have a lot in common. And in a day and age where long hours and hard work aren't always understood, both trucking and turfgrass management share a certain knowledge. And that knowledge is about getti

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

Take "The Dark Side" and Shove It

A recent industry magazine (it doesn't matter who), is talking about sales with the moniker of "The Dark Side". I hate this shitty phrase. And I'm gonna let my anger turn to words here. Ok..it's a rant. I often give good rant. Or so I'm told. So hold on tight. It's E-ticket rant time with Wilber.   Before I hung my shingle as an independent consultant in the early 90's, I was a superintendent. Then when the world's finances collapsed in 2007, I took a job for seven years as the Director of Agr

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project, Ep. #25 with guest Hector Velazquez.

Join Hector Velazquez and myself as we go deep into the world of Hector and Hector's Shop!   Do you know Hector? You should. He's breaking ground in an often forgotten, overlooked and misunderstood world. The world of the golf course equipment fleet is not only huge, it is a place where a ton of money gets spent. And wasted.   Hector and I talk about what's what in his world. From his background to his travels as a teacher, his life as an educator and of course his job as a father and husban

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Reality of the US Open Golf Championship Has Nothing To Do With The Reality of Golf

I am never ever ever ever (did I say never ever?) going to take away from the hard work of any golf course superintendent, any staff member or any volunteer for any event. Ever.   And this is especially true in 2016 with John Zimmers. I've admired John for years for all kinds of reasons. His commitment to Oakmont is a model of what adapted stewardship in our business needs to be. That is to say, John brings Oakmont exactly what Oakmont needs. And like any upper-end country club job, it is pol

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project, Ep. 24: On Being An Excellent Assistant or Intern

By request!! An update on one of my most popular blog posts, on being an Excellent Assistant or Intern.   One of the most popular blog posts I have ever done in podcast form. Kind of cool. Third kind of cool, actually. Take a few min to listen to this just in case you need a refresher. Works for Young Turfies or for those responsible for them. Being an excellent Assistant or Intern isn't always just about agronomy. It comes down to character and working with the team around you.   Because on

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project Ep. 23 with Kevin Hicks and Jon Kiger

Episode 23 of The TZP brings us chats with Kevin Hicks, GCS at The Coeur D'Alene Golf Resort... and TurfNet's Jon Kiger taking about TurfNet's participation in The Irish Open at The K Club.    Kevin Hicks is such a good guy. I reached out to him on the off chance that he could do a short interview and he stepped right up the the plate. He's a great guy, an old friend and a proud father. We get to know a little more about him and talk about my adventure into the bowels of the famous Floating Gr

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project, Ep. 22 with guest Jim Ferrin of Timbercreek GC

I'm calling this episode "The Epic Episode". Epic Monologue. Epic Guest. Epic Length. Epic!! (and no, I don't mind over-using the word Epic)   Jim Ferrin, CGCS is one of those people that I think everyone should know. I'm biased. I've known him since 1990. When we were just young guys coming up in the business. Jim has excelled. He's a great turf manager. A great people manager. A student of Golf, Agronomy and Life. He's won a ton of awards including the coveted Leo Feser award from GCSAA. He'

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project, Ep. #21 with Aubrey McCormick of The Big Break and Impact360

Aubrey McCormick is a great player, great person and champion of sustainability. Don't miss her refreshing take on the world of golf.   Join Aubrey and me as we talk about The Big Break, sustainable and green golf, golf's future and a ton of other things. You may not know Aubrey. You may know her as a player. But you are going to get to know someone who could very likely help shape our world by being a thought leader. And leading in thought these days means thinking. Not just "outside the box

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project, Ep. #20 with Guest Kevin Ross of CC of the Rockies

Episode 20 of the TZP has me and Kevin Ross of Country Club of the Rockies doing an amazing jam session!   From Turf to Beer to Grilling to phases like "Boom Bah Baaaa", this episode has it all. Long time friends and co-conspirators, Kevin and I have history and passion. Makes for fun conversation and even wisdom! And while there is always fun, there is also some serious interesting conversation. Not to mention the agronomy of high altitude turfgrass management.   Take some time to get to k

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project Ep. #19 with Guest Andy Staples

Join me as I do some deep diving with Andy Staples, progressive golf course architect. From bluegrass to Holiday Inn Express. Nothing is off limits.   'Thoughtful' and 'thankful' are the theme words for this episode of the TZP!   Thoughtful ideas about golf design, resource management, work/life balance and many other things. Thankful for listeners, thinkers and new ideas in the golf business today. Andy Staples has a wonderful perspective on things. He's got that focus and drive that make h

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project, Ep. #18 with Guest Jason Haines

Jason Haines is one of an emerging class of Superintendent who is making environmental and financial difference with his Agronomy.    His strongly scientific, minimalist approach isn't just because of his rather remote situation. It's because he's done the study about what is best for his facility and in turn his community.    Of the episodes I have done so far, this is certainly one of my very favorite discussions. Jason's style is not to hold back, which has endeared him to some people and

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

Thoughts on GIS2016, in true TZP fashion.

Join me as I talk about my impressions of GIS 2016 and my experience in San Diego. If you were there or not, there's always more info to be had concerning the Golf Industry's most important event. I take you on a journey with my mind's eye and recap what was good and what was not so good. No punches pulled.   And a special guest! TurfNet's Founder and Maestro, Peter McCormick drops by for a quick chat that turns into some real deep stuff about his perspective on the show. As always, Peter is c

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project, Ep. #16 with Guest Paul MacCormack

Join me in Episode 16 of TZP as I gives some tips on GIS Survival and then chat with Paul MacCormack, The Mindful Superintendent, from Fox Meadow Golf & Country Club on Prince Edward Island in the Canadian Maritimes.   Paul's unique perspective on being mindful is something that I believe everyone growing grass should hear. His blog on TurfNet.com is on my list of required reading for all Turfheads.     The Turfgrass Zealot project is happy to be sponsored by Klingstone: Proven Bunker

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project Ep. #15 with Mystery Guest Host

Episode 15 features an experiment into something new! The tables are turned on me as I let a special guest have control!   This episode of the #TZP could end up being the start of something new. I toss caution to the wind and let a guest host have at it. And the result is a fun and engaging conversation.   The Turfgrass Zealot Project is sponsored by Klingstone. Proven bunker performance for over 15 years. www.klingstone.com      

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Turfgrass Zealot Project Ep. #14 with Guest Dr. Micah Woods

Agronomy! Join me as I talk with Turfgrass Researcher and Scientist Dr. Micah Woods.   Micah Woods is Chief Scientist and driving force behind The Asian Turfgrass Center. You'll get to hear how Micah was nearly born into the golf business. And follow his journey along the way. Dave and Micah dig into some deep discussion on soil testing and soil test interpretation. Getting famillary with Dr. Woods is essential if you want to keep up with what's happening and new in Turfgrass Science.   In t

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

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