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Dave Wilber goes hard at it and never pulls any punches when it comes to agronomy.

Entries in this blog

The Sandpaper Washcloth

(this was published in the Sierra Nevada GCSA Chapter Newsletter this February. In light of some of the current discussions on the TurfNET Forum, I thought it might be good to port over here. Many thanks to Jim Alwine, the Sierra Nevada’s superior newsletter editor for asking me to write something for the chapter—DW) Go ahead. Wash up. Just make sure you use that 80 grit sandpaper to get all the dirt off. That’s how a lot of us feel, when we talk about finances as it comes to the business of gr



The Sandpaper Washcloth

(this was published in the Sierra Nevada GCSA Chapter Newsletter this February. In light of some of the current discussions on the TurfNET Forum, I thought it might be good to port over here. Many thanks to Jim Alwine, the Sierra Nevadas superior newsletter editor for asking me to write something for the chapterDW)   Go ahead. Wash up. Just make sure you use that 80 grit sandpaper to get all the dirt off. That's how a lot of us feel, when we talk about finances as it comes to the business of g

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

Laying Down That First Water: Please Do Not!

I’m gonna keep this short. Don’t. That’s right. Don’t. Keep this word and all of its negative connotations in your head. When you are all excited, sitting at the central controller, ready to hit whatever form of on switch you have, remember my word—Don’t. One of the biggest mistakes I see springtime turfgrass managers make is watering too much, too early. Here we are, spring springing all around us and it just seems like the thing to do, water a little bit. Just a little because it just feels b



Laying Down That First Water: Please Do Not!

I'm gonna keep this short. Don't. That's right. Don't. Keep this word and all of its negative connotations in your head. When you are all excited, sitting at the central controller, ready to hit whatever form of on switch you have, remember my wordDon't.   One of the biggest mistakes I see springtime turfgrass managers make is watering too much, too early. Here we are, spring springing all around us and it just seems like the thing to do, water a little bit. Just a little because it just feels

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

On Getting Well: Something I Know Nothing About

One hit on the inhaler. Nothing. Second hit. Nothing. I can’t catch my breath, can’t stop coughing. I feel my knees getting weak. Mouth open. Hit number three. Nothing. This is it. I’m gonna freaking be the only human monkey capable of being stupid enough to die at the medical clinic. Thinking. I really don’t want to do this in public. I duck into the mens restroom. Stall is open. Grab a big hunk of wall. Hit number four on the Albuterol. And I finally sort of get a breath. One more. Then anoth



On Getting Well: Something I Know Nothing About

One hit on the inhaler. Nothing. Second hit. Nothing. I can't catch my breath, can't stop coughing. I feel my knees getting weak. Mouth open. Hit number three. Nothing. This is it. I'm gonna freaking be the only human monkey capable of being stupid enough to die at the medical clinic. Thinking. I really don't want to do this in public.   I duck into the mens restroom. Stall is open. Grab a big hunk of wall. Hit number four on the Albuterol. And I finally sort of get a breath. One more. Then an

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

The Killer Application

Last week, Sierra Pacific had our Spring Symposium. Just over 100 people showed up for a couple days of education and perhaps a little golf. The weather controlled the golf down to about 4-5 holes. The education was the real show. In planning this event, my friend, colleague, mentor and crime partner Dean Kinney and I made sure that we didn’t fill the schedule with so much that it would be too much. Why? Simple. Love. That’s right, Love. I can hear it now, the collective mass groan of the Turf



The Killer Application

Last week, Sierra Pacific had our Spring Symposium. Just over 100 people showed up for a couple days of education and perhaps a little golf. The weather controlled the golf down to about 4-5 holes. The education was the real show. I can hear it now, the collective mass groan of the TurfHeads as they brace themselves for more of my Californiacated Spench of Touch and Feel. In planning this event, my friend, colleague, mentor and crime partner Dean Kinney and I made sure that we didn't fill t

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

I Would Like to Acknowledge a True Friend

Back in October, I was having a bit of a life crisis. No…Not a bit of one…A huge one. And Thomas Bastis was there for me. So, I wrote this post in a place where I was working out some angst. I think it should be shared. _____________ You Should Have One Just Like Him  (October 5, 2009) by Dave Wilber This is Thomas. Not Tom. Not Tommy…although I call him that because it’s like some kind of wannabe mobster thing, you know..Hey, Tommy! But as always, I digress. I ported one of my deep perso



I Would Like to Acknowledge a True Friend

Back in October, I was having a bit of a life crisis. NoNot a bit of oneA huge one. And Thomas Bastis was there for me. So, I wrote this post in a place where I was working out some angst. I think it should be shared. _____________   You Should Have One Just Like Him  (October 5, 2009) by Dave Wilber   This is Thomas. Not Tom. Not Tommyalthough I call him that because it's like some kind of wannabe mobster thing, you know..Hey, Tommy! But as always, I digress.   I ported one of my deep

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

Git Yer Tinfoil Hat and Yawlp To The World!

I love communication. Love it. I love to talk. I love to write. I love to yell. I love to blather endlessly about not much of anything. I love communication. To me, there’s nothing not to love about being a good communicator. And even less to be upset about being a bad communicator and still trying. And I love failed efforts to communicate. Love them long time! What? That’s right. This is directed right at all of you who have tried and failed to get your point across. But in the trying is lear



Git Yer Tinfoil Hat and Yawlp To The World!

I love communication. Love it. I love to talk. I love to write. I love to yell. I love to blather endlessly about not much of anything. I love communication. To me, theres nothing not to love about being a good communicator. And even less to be upset about being a bad communicator and still trying. And I love failed efforts to communicate. Love them long time! What?   Thats right. This is directed right at all of you who have tried and failed to get your point across. But in the trying is lea

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

I Don’t Really Want to Blog…

I hate blogging. And I don’t want to blog. No… I want to blog and blogs are really hip and cool and so I want to be a hip and cool blogger. No… I hate blogs and I hate bloggers even more. Wait… I don’t hate them. I just hate it when people blog about what they had for lunch and all the other inane crap that they go through each day. Seriously? The internet for what you had for lunch or who you met at the dog park? I don’t think so. An entire culture of SAR (self-adsorbed-rubbish). So when th



I Don't Really Want to Blog!

I hate blogging. And I dont want to blog. No I want to blog and blogs are really hip and cool and so I want to be a hip and cool blogger. No I hate blogs and I hate bloggers even more.   Wait I dont hate them. I just hate it when people blog about what they had for lunch and all the other inane crap that they go through each day. Seriously? The internet for what you had for lunch or who you met at the dog park? I dont think so. An entire culture of SAR (self-adsorbed-rubbish).   So when th

Dave Wilber

Dave Wilber

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