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Adam Garr: Living with OCD | a podcast with Stuart Butler

Adam Garr joins Stu Butler, our across-the-pond friend, head greenkeeper and host of Henry Westons Old Mate the Podcast, for an honest and insightful conversation about Adam's struggles with obsessive/compulsive disorder (OCD). Adam talks Stu through his life and career on the golf course and in sales and reflects upon how OCD played a huge part in it all. The chat ends with Adam and Stu discussing Adam's decisions to step away from the sales side of turf and pursue a business venture suppl

Peter McCormick

Peter McCormick in Wellness

Noah Pier: Mental Health Awareness on the Golf Course

As I waited to board my flight following the GCSAA Conference and Show in Phoenix, I was thinking about mental health in the golf maintenance industry and how many people in our business are starting to raise their hands.  I attended several classes while at the Conference and Show where the topic of the class wasn’t mental health, but that subject seemed to come up anyway. I have been working on my own mental health over the past year, and have spoken to several colleagues and friends who

Noah Pier

Noah Pier in Wellness

Zach Bauer: Finding respite in a trout stream

In this episode of Me Maintenance, Peter McCormick chats with Zach Bauer, golf course superintendent at the Valley Country Club in Centennial, Colorado, just southeast of Denver. Zach had gone into this year on the heels of myriad construction/renovation projects (both golf course and clubhouse) with depleted groundwater, very dry soils and dessicated turf. Coupled with the short staffing and increased play prevalent within the industry, he started waving the white flag of desperation on Twitter

Peter McCormick

Peter McCormick in Wellness

Peter McCormick: Job loss, depression and "Nobody likes an old drunk..."

Me Maintenance goes across the pond in this webcast with Stuart Butler on his HWOM — Henry Westons Old Mate blog and pod/webcast platform. Stu is a senior greenkeeper at Royal St. George's Golf Club on the Kent coast of southeast England, host site of The 149th Open back in July, 2021. Stu is also a recovering alcoholic — 4 years sober — who has embarked on a personal mission to share his story of recovery and personal growth for the benefit of others. Stu and I connected a month or so ago

Peter McCormick

Peter McCormick in Wellness

Depression: One Superintendent's Struggle with the Quest for Perfection

Editor's Note: Originally published in TurfNet Monthly, May, 2003, the following was written by a TurfNet member who wanted to share his experience with the group. Since it's a personal story, however, he asked to remain anonymous. We thought it fitting to publish it again to provide context for upcoming conversations about depression with our Me Maintenance initiative. The author is now retired. Two years ago I suffered a depressive episode which many would call a "breakdown". It was no

Peter McCormick

Peter McCormick in Wellness

Mike Lecavalier: From a dark place to fit, sober and happy

Mike Lecavalier has been the golf course superintendent at the Kanawaki Golf Club in Montreal, Quebec for 17 years. For 13 of those years, and quite a few prior, he had a serious alcohol problem. Almost four years ago he looked himself in the mirror and admitted to himself that he needed help, and turned to friends, then AA, and ultimately the gym and a personal trainer. Here is his story, in audiocast or video.

Peter McCormick

Peter McCormick in Wellness

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