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The Turfgrass Zealot Project, Episode 3 With Guest Randy Wilson

Dave Wilber


There are a lot of things you may not know about Randy Wilson and the famed Rockbottum Country Club. And while I may not expose all the secrets in this podcast, I certainly get to a few of them.


"I did spend time as a superintendent, about somewhere between 12 or 14 years, but it damaged me because it was on Bentgrass in Atlanta," says Randy. "I was forced to work on golf courses at a young age."


Randy goes on to explain his world as a concert roady, camera operator, Army Special Forces member, golf course architect and various other adventures. 



To download the .mp3 for offline listening, right-click/tap here and "Save Link/Target As".



The Turfgrass Zealot Project is brought to you by Klingstone, the original liquid-applied bunker barrier, which has been performing flawlessly for over 15 years.


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Guest Jon Scott


This is another great segment in the Turfgrass Zealot series. I have downloaded the app. on my iPad so I won't miss the next one. Well done, Dave and TurfNet.

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