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Great Resource for All Things 'Job Search'

Matt Leverich


In my continued role with the MetGCSA and their website management, I have seen some really great information and I am sure other chapters across the country have similar educational endeavors. However, this month the Met has put together a very comprehensive newsletter article that I think is worthy of more exposure as it is applicable to anyone searching for a new position.

tee-to-green.jpgOn this blog, we cover career materials -- resumes, cover letters, websites, print portfolios, etc., and how to build them best along with new technology for your career. We don't dive into the politics involved or what to do during an interview. This article does these exact things, sharing "the often-unspoken rules of a successful job search and interview process."

The article includes content from many TurfNet superintendent members such as Jim Pavonetti and Dan Rogers, plus insight from search professionals like Greg Wojick of Playbooks for Golf, Executive Golf Search's Bruce Williams and TurfNet's own Jim McLoughlin.

It's quite lengthy, but is certainly worth a read.

Some main points I find important include:

Beginning the Job Search

  • If you want a superintendent's position, look and act the part. This includes dress and attitude on and off the golf course, plus cleaning up social media.
  • Accept every opportunity to interview because it's critical experience you'll need when the big job really counts.

Prepping for an Interview

  • Conduct tons of research, call the former super and focus your strategy around reasons for his/her departure to ensure you hit on what the club is looking for in a possible solution.
  • Conducting site visits is not only great to notice course conditions, but is also vital to make a great impression with the committee members as it may be the longest time you spend with them.

Crafting a Plan of Action

  • Keep in mind that its wise to demonstrate not just how you plan to spend the clubs money, but also what you can accomplish for no additional cost or, better, less money.
  • Always try to include communication pieces you have written on your own to showcase your abilities in club communications.

The Interview

  • It's important to make a connection not only with the names of the club officials and staff involved in the interview process, but also their professions.
  • Do mock interviews with your current superintendent or peers and make sure they ask you the tough questions.
  • Strike the right balance between presenting your accomplishments in a positive light and coming across as overly confident.
  • If you really want the job, following up is critical. Rule of thumb: Touch base within 24 hours
  • Handwritten thank you notes can go a long way in this electronic age. (I post one blog about this topic every year! So underutilized)

Adding this resource article to your educational "bank" would be a fantastic way to improve your career development. Couple it with outstanding career materials like we mention in this blog and you'll have a vastly improved chance at landing that big job.

Parts of this blog were quoted from a Tee to Green article, with permission and courtesy of the MetGCSA.


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