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The Turfgrass Zealot Project Ep. #14 with Guest Dr. Micah Woods

Dave Wilber


Agronomy! Join me as I talk with Turfgrass Researcher and Scientist Dr. Micah Woods.


Micah Woods is Chief Scientist and driving force behind The Asian Turfgrass Center. You'll get to hear how Micah was nearly born into the golf business. And follow his journey along the way. Dave and Micah dig into some deep discussion on soil testing and soil test interpretation. Getting famillary with Dr. Woods is essential if you want to keep up with what's happening and new in Turfgrass Science.


In this episode's monologue, Dave talks about a piece of his journey through soil science and why we must not ignore new information.


The Turfgrass Zealot Project is brought to you by Klingstone, Proven Bunker Performance for over 16 years. www.klingstone.com




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