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The Turfgrass Zealot Project Ep. #15 with Mystery Guest Host

Dave Wilber


Episode 15 features an experiment into something new! The tables are turned on me as I let a special guest have control!


This episode of the #TZP could end up being the start of something new. I toss caution to the wind and let a guest host have at it. And the result is a fun and engaging conversation.


The Turfgrass Zealot Project is sponsored by Klingstone. Proven bunker performance for over 15 years. www.klingstone.com





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Guest Bobby


Great conversation. Was interesting to learn that Dave was a cattle rancher.

I got stuck on the carbon issue and why superintendents feel they need to remove this through pulling cores if it is beneficial.

I would like to learn more of what you two had to say whether it be privately or public.


Thank you

Dave Wilber


No question there will be more to come! Stay tuned!

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