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Musings from the Sunshine State...

Paul MacCormack


A couple of weeks back, I was fortunate enough to make my way down to Cocoa Beach, Florida with my thirteen year old son Lucas. It was actually our first time in the southern US, and it was a great experience. Lucas is an avid bird watcher, so for him being in Florida in March is like being the proverbial kid in the candy store.


It was a great time to decompress and forget about the real world for a while, something that I am sure most of you can relate to. Being blessed with lots of time for reflection, I managed to jot down a few thoughts on the journey


If you ever get the chance to spend one-on-one time with one of your children, take advantage of it. Being alone with one child at a time changes the normal dynamic and creates a special space for deeper connection. It doesnt have to be a long journey at all, and trust me when I say that they will remember the time that they were the special one for a long time.


Bird watching is a fascinating hobby. The community of birders is a generous, close knit group that is very passionate about our feathered friends. The love of solitude and patience (lots and lots of patience) are also hallmarks of the hobby. Also attention to detail, vast amounts of very specific knowledge, and appreciation of nature (sounds strikingly familiar to another bunch, no?)


If you ever get the chance to spend one-on-one time with one of your children, take advantage of it. Being alone with one child at a time changes the normal dynamic and creates a special space for deeper connection...


Giving of yourself completely for the benefit of others is one of, if not the most important things we can do as humans (and especially as parents) This trip was entirely for my son (although me tagging along was not a complete sacrifice) and everything we did was for him. It was so rewarding to watch him derive so much enjoyment from our visits to wetlands and wildlife sanctuaries.


There are a lot of people in the world. When you come from a small place like Prince Edward Island it can be easy to forget that there are an almost unfathomable number of people on this planet. We all tend to deal with our lives through the smaller personal lens of our immediate surroundings.  Getting to travel reminds us how many people there are in this world, working, loving their families, and making their way the best they can.


Playing golf in March was great fun. Have to thank Superintendent Rich Roth and his crew from the Cocoa Beach Country Club for making my first warm season golf experience such a great one. Playing on and seeing paspalum and bermudagrass was awesome. I never tire of the blank looks on the faces of my playing partners when I am down on my hands and knees examining turf


Walking through snow and biting wind to get on a plane in the morning vs. disembarking a plane and strolling on a beach in shorts and a tee shirt in the afternoon is an awesome experience. I highly recommend it to anyone of my northern brethren. (most likely not as magical for you Southern folks to leave the warmth and head into the great white north).


Time away from the grind is an essential part of the balanced approach to living life as a mindful superintendent. It doesnt always have to be an expensive trip to somewhere warm either. Simply taking the time to pause and enjoy time alone or with your loved ones goes a long way to making you the best superintendent you can be.


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