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Rivermont To Host Organic Golf Field Day in July

Randy Wilson


Mark Hoban and Chris Cupit of Rivermont GC, will be hosting an Organics and Native Grasses Field Day on 19 July, 2016.


The "Mad Scientist" of Rivermont will reveal the results of his envelope-pushing research, as well as provide breakfast and lunch, supposedly of an organic nature.  (No worms, however.)


Topics will include:

  1. Biological trials on greens
  2. Compost trials (thermal and vermi) on fairways
  3. UGA fertilizer trials (organics, synthetics and inorganics) on fairways
  4. Native grasses
  5. Pollinator wildflowers
  6. Compost tea brewers, extractors and worm farm
  7. DT-1 bermuda

Not on the agenda is Rivermont's conversion to TifEagle greens, but since it's supposed to get even hotter in the next few years, I'm betting Mark will be willing to discuss that topic also.


To register, 404-580-7506




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