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Life Hacks from a Mindful Super

Paul MacCormack


When seeds are planted, the seedlings must be watered, nourished, and given room to grow. Just like humans, they require proper growing conditions and ongoing, loving maintenance.

When irrigation systems are new, they require a lot of training. Because they leak it takes a while to get used to the new pipes. As they age they become more unpredictable, leak more, and become much less "depend"-able.
After years of constant rolling, greens seal off and become hydrophobic. Aeration is necessary to open channels and allow flow again. Same goes for our minds. When we become hardened by rigid ideas, it can be helpful to poke holes in them to allow new flow (occasional deep tining is also very helpful).
Topdressing is like any good habit in our lives. The consistent application of small amounts of goodness is very beneficial.

The consistent application of small amounts of goodness is very beneficial...

Adequate amounts of food, water, and light along with proper exposure to stress are key for optimum greens performance. Apply similar amounts of same for optimum life performance.
Be open to other (informed) opinions about the management of your property. Seeing the same old thing through a different lens can be very illuminating. Apply similar amounts of same (informed) opinions to your own life.
Over the top bunkers can be nice to look at for a spell, but as with life, high maintenance can be exhausting, costly and an unwise use of resources.
Keeping your mowers sharp, properly adjusted and clear of debris yields happy turf. Keeping your mind sharp, properly adjusted, and clear of debris yields a happier super. 

Keeping your mind sharp, properly adjusted, and clear of debris yields a happier super...

When placed optimally, trees add strategy, beauty and biodiversity to a golf course. If allowed to grow unchecked they block light, cause turf to suffer, and degrade strategic intent. 
If used wisely, ideas can allow us to grow and appreciate the beauty of the universe. On the flip side, if negative, hurtful ideas are left unchecked they can also block the light and cause a great deal of suffering in our lives. 
Dormancy and rest are key to turf health and recovery. Dormancy and sleep are key to superintendent health and recovery. 
Following carts on the same path over and over leads to compaction, stress, and worn out turf. In life, try taking a pull cart once in a while



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