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A Christmas Card on Film

Randy Wilson


Merry Christmas from Rockbottum CC Films.  Shot in Highlands on a cold night, we couldn't resist sharing this Christmas card on film with TurfNet.

HIghlands is a tiny village on a plateau in the Appalachians at just over 4000 feet, known for amazingly beautiful golf courses, waterfalls, deep dark forests, wildlife and . . . a downtown display of Christmas decorations that reminds us of a simpler, slower time.

Highlands is also home to top golf course superintendents like Fred Gehrisch, Brian Stiehler and just down the ridge a piece, Steve Mason. 



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Matt Crowther, CGCS


Thanks Randy. Main Street America. Have to love it. Merry Christmas.

Peter McCormick


Very nice, Randy. Merry Christmas to you and Momma, backatcha!

Mark Hoban CGCS


Hey Randy its not true! You can do beauty shot video's. Hey do you do weddings? I know I am going to regret posting this. Merry Christmas. Doc

Curtis Nickerson


Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas to you and yours Randy!

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