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The LPC Course Recon

Randy Wilson


During the Ryder Cup, Chris Tritabaugh shocked and amazed the international media by using a little known Skeletal Golf technique, "The LPC Course Recon".

Instead of relying upon a truck or utility vehicle, Chris used the LPC, (Leather Personnel Carrier) to perform his critical daily course survey/analysis.   While the media immediately recognized Tritabaugh's smooth, calm management style and firm grip on logistics, crew deployment and situational response, they were awestruck by his radical course recon method using the LPC.

(The LPC is very familiar to members of the golf world with a military background.)

Rockbottum theory on the media's reaction to the near superhuman "Tritabaugh Method" indicates they must have very little experience using the LPC and therefore, feel inferior or suspicious of CT.

The LPC is critical to Skeletal Golf Theory; our second article written for Superintendent News back in '02 was entitled "Walk Your Course" and dealt with the increased awareness one develops for the normally unseen aspects of the course . . . and other benefits.

Walking the course allows the GCS and the player to "feel" the course underfoot, to better judge the firmness, whether the playing surface is dry or moist, to see the course as the player sees it, and to discover the things hidden from the cart path "Drive By".

Here's a short film on the Skeletal Golf version of the LPC, along with the downside of using the Drive By to do your morning course recon.  Let's all be more like Chris and get out there on our LPCs.



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