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Rockbottum Radio: Sales Rep Day

Randy Wilson


fa2b4e185143c81e180ec9429e324046-.jpgIn this episode of Rockbottum Radio, direct from Rockbottum Country Club proshop, Momma demonstrates her proven techniques for handling sales reps; the health inspector visits; a no-cart shotgun start for the old-timers; Ludell innovates something; and in Storytime, that Demonized Cow During Construction, #337.

Presented by VinylGuard. Oh, and Buddy just finished VinylGuarding everything in sight at the driving range!

(This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)


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Mark Hoban CGCS


Randy stopped blocking comments. This is genius stuff. Who would ever think of a walking tournament for seniors. You are killing it my friend.

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