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A (serious) chat with Mark Hoban: What's he into now?

Randy Wilson


3384ceb990a5cfcd0e6d78e0d481c827-.jpgIn this episode of Rockbottum Radio, I have a serious chat with envelope-pusher Mark Hoban, superintendent at Rivermont Golf Club in John's Creek, GA. One of the true "mad scientists" of the golf course maintenance world, Mark is constantly applying his holistic view of soil/plant management to new endeavors on the golf course. And he always keeps one eye on reducing inputs and subsequent c

Mark fills us in on his current delvings into biochar, compost extracts (as opposed to compost tea... which he explains the difference), new applications for the Air2G2 machine, an untraditional take on beekeeping, and growing mushrooms for the club restaurant.

(This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)


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Jonathon Scott


I am glad to hear Mark keep emphasizing that the program he has developed and is still developing is long term. So many turf managers expect to apply something, and only something, and see an immediate result. That works with gasoline, but not microbials. I learned this years ago when working with Jim Prusa at Harding Park in San Francisco. Unfortunately we were under pressure to produce immediate results under rigid chemical restrictions, which caused many sleepless nights. In the end, the microbiological approach came through. We saw less and less need for concern as the disease pressure dropped with time. That is the main problem - having the ability to exercise enough patience and time to see the results of the holistic approach Mark has embraced. This was a great interview, Randy.

Randy Wilson


Thank you, Jonathan.


It was difficult to edit this one, because I don't understand the words that come out of Mark--lots of dictionary work.

Matt Crowther, CGCS


I always feel like a slacker and an ignoramus after listening to Mark. Great job as always and your hair sounded just fine.

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