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The View...

Paul MacCormack


We are well into the New Year and hopefully most of the resolution hoopla has passed us over until next year. It seems that the resolution craze has simply become yet another fabricated holiday that marketers and advertisers use to sell us things that we just don't need. They know that if every news outlet runs a story about how we all need to be better at being us, then they most assuredly have the product or service that that will help us achieve our goals.

That's not to say that there are not things that require a bit of rearranging. Need to eat a bit better? Yep. Need to walk or exercise a wee bit more? Yep. Bit more sleep? Yep. Need a gentle reminder to be more mindful in daily life? Checkmate. The funny thing is though, these things really never change. There are times in our lives when a few or all of these cylinders are firing, and just as often there are times when they are not. But one of the key realizations is that, quite simply, that's okay.

...just as often there are times when they are not. But one of the key realizations is that, quite simply, that's okay.

If we always start with the notion that life would be so much better if I could only make more money, lose weight, get more sleep, become a better superintendent then we start from a place of deficiency. We are going on the assumption that we are inherently flawed and that we need fixing. What if we started instead with the idea that, I'm actually okay just as I am? It doesn't mean that we don't set goals and work to make certain areas of our lives better. No, it simply means that we do so with compassion as opposed to shame and blame.

...it simply means that we do so with compassion as opposed to shame and blame.

For me personally, I have decided to place more intention on sharing the 'the mindful superintendent' philosophy with a wider audience. I have enjoyed writing and interacting with the TurfNet group over the past few years and with the gentle prodding of some close friends, I have decided that it's time to start speaking to a wider audience. How it all unfolds at this point is still a bit of a mystery, but the first leg of the journey will begin in San Antonio at the 2018 GIS.

I am truly humbled and beyond excited to share with you that I, along with Chris Tritabaugh, will be giving a 4 hour seminar that will share Chris's unique leadership insights and my philosophy of mindful living. We are looking forward to sharing and interacting with as many of you as possible, and this seminar promises to be quite different from what you might be used to.

My sincere hope is that this talk will become the first of many to come. Not because I am such a fantastic speaker (I'm actually not too shabby), but more so because I believe it's a message that all superintendents need to hear. Our jobs are not getting any easier, and it will be up to us to chart a sustainable course for ourselves moving forward.

Our jobs are not getting any easier, and it will be up to us to chart a sustainable course for ourselves moving forward...

I am also in the development stages of putting together a truly unique, retreat-style opportunity for superintendents. The event would be intimate in scale, and focused on developing wellness and a mindful outlook on life. The hope is to host the first one this year (Fall 2018) and then move on from there. Stay tuned with this one; I will share more details as they emerge.

Thanks so much for reading and I hope to meet many of you in Texas! #beerandpretzels


Recommended Comments

Guest David Hadley


Being mindful is to me the old thinking of being appreciative of the current now and being thankful for the minute of the day that I am alive and God has blessed me with another day to try again to be a better human being.

Paul MacCormack


Thanks so much for the comments David. I think you captured the essence well. Gratitude and thankfulness for the present moment are main tenants of mindfulness.

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