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Steve Mona of the World Golf Foundation on the State of the Game

Frank Rossi


f828785658d41a3606ac77115512203b-.jpgIn this episode of Frankly Speaking, I chat with Steve Mona, CEO of the World Golf Foundation and previously CEO of the GCSAA. Topics include the rebound of the Tiger Effect and it's influence on the "green grass channel"; getting new golfers to the point of playing well enough that they enjoy the game; making golf more accessible (and user friendly) at every level of facility; altering perceptions of the game among potential new golfers; effects of course design and conditioning on the experience of new golfers... and lots more!


Spend a half hour with us and get yourself up to date on where the game is and where it's heading.


Presented by Civitas/Intelligro and DryJect.



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