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Fawlty Meadows Golf Centre

Randy Wilson


For those too elegant, sophisticated and erudite for Rockbottum CC, we offer "Fawlty Meadows Golf Centre".

Starring Basil and Manuel  Randy and Buddy.



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Sean Remington


"Bud Man" sighting! I had an Uncle that had everything "Bud Man". My Dad was more of a "Red Ripple" guy, he was always wearing his "drinking and driving team" t-shirt. Could use a case of those toilet brushes if you can get them with bobleheads in the likeness of those USGA science guys that have turned the golf ball into a rocket. As always, well done and thought provoking!

Randy Wilson


Hmmm . . . alphabet commode brushes. Nah, patent office is probably full of that stuff.


Also, I think Buddy has an actual Bud Man costume and uses it to fight crime at night. You know, gophers and such.


Thanks, Sean!

Matt Crowther, CGCS


made my morning. I too saw the prominently displayed BudMan and had a chuckle. Thanks for making me laugh out loud...

Randy Wilson


Thanks, Matt!


Buddy was injured during that scene because for a moment, I forgot he wasn't a contentious member and I overdid the choking and throttling.


Wasn't my fault, just before that scene, Buddy said, "I want you to put that bunker back like it was. And put those trees back."

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