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Sometimes You Gotta Stink Up The Joint



I’m convinced that one of the main reasons that Turfheads dont embrace the concept of application of Organic Fertilizers is pretty simple—It Stinks.

Seriously. Who really wants to offend the olfactory senses of the Tuesday 9-Hole Ladies Group after a wonderful application of decomposition on Monday? It’s a pretty easy answer, that one. We’ll get to the should you or should you not use and how to use organics later. For now, a few tips on dealing with the assault on the nose that stops people from doing something great.


Tip #1: Pick Right. What a product’s parent material is composted of is going to affect the nose. And if it’s not handled very well in the assembly, it’s not going to handle itself well in the nostrils. And an odor of any kind of Ammonia is a dead giveaway that something isn’t right. If it snaps your head back like smelling salts, its all wrong… Stay away.

Tip #2: Date Right. You’ve found what you think is the perfect product. Instead of bringing in a truckload, how about taking a couple bags, preferably not next to the house where they hate your 5am start time and spread a little and see what sort of kiss you get. You need to calibrate the spreader anyway, right? Turn on a sprinkler after you spread it and see what getting it wet does. Go out the next morning and use your nose. Half of getting it right is knowing what it does.

Tip #3: Marry Right. Courtship has gone well, you know the one that brung you to the dance and the smells you are gonna get and you can afford the dowry, so now buying, storing and applying should all be pretty easy. If this one smells a bit at time of application, but water fixes that, then you have your answer. If the dry smell is benign, but water brings up a bit of a flare, you know what to do and when to do it. Organic products require a little thinking and even though they may not be the most beautiful at the dance, the performance later is worth using the veil.

His product of choice would go down and right after, he would apply some Gypsum and then a fertility spray with some Molasses. Ding. A whole new way to keep the bedroom interesting and the smell was gone.

Tip #4: Talk Right. It’s time to be creative when you have to do what you have to do. This is why the dating phase is so critical, you know what’s coming. Inside of this communication. It’s not a bad idea to let everyone know what you know what you are doing. If the application just has to go out when it has to go out, make sure you’ve communicated well and talked about the great benefits and complete safety some new odors might give. nose-monkey.jpg

Tip #5: Create Right. I’ll never forget a Turfhead who had some troubles with what the golfers were saying about his organic fertility program coming up with a great idea. His product of choice would go down and right after, he would apply some Gypsum and then a fertility spray with some Molasses. Ding. A whole new way to keep the bedroom interesting and the smell was gone. Creative and fun and worth the effort, no one complained again. Often adding some other carbons and some minerals of your own acts as a wonderful filter for the nose. Beyond simple.

There’s 5 quick tips to help you help yourself and make a difference in dealing with an Organic Fertilizer, when you know it’s the right thing to do. Now go hug that pretty new bride of yours, even though she smells!


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