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A Message For Golf From A Last Wave Millennial

Randy Wilson


A Last Wave Millennial gives a quick analysis of modern golf and answers The Big Question. 

You know, the one that upper management and golf writers and green chairs and turf school brass and association bigwigs ask every night, after dessert and before cigars and brandy?  



Recommended Comments

Josh Cantrell


Great film.  Should be required viewing by all in the industry.

Randy Wilson


Thanks for watching, Fred.  I don't know where you find the time with all the projects you run.

Tony wells


Thaaaank you. Very well put. I also am on the ladder here with ya being in that last wave of workers (im 32) that actually like to work but cant live off of summer highschool job rates. I started at a country club where im from and fell in love with the behind the scenes game i knew nothing of. After 2 years and no promotion I left to go back to construction which always ruins my day but pays for a real type living. I started community college to grab my turf grass degree i so desperately need and after 1 semester. Womp womp. No focus on the golf course just trimming plants at the school while my 80 year old instructors... well lets just say i wasnt wasting debt. Im hopefully on my way to Florida after the winter to get fulltime course work and cram my passion about every blade of grass and every swing down anybodys throat that will listnen. God I love this game. Great vid 

Steve Mason


Great job Dave! Rockbottom CC would be proud!

Brian Nettz, CGCS


Nice job Dave.  You made your points well without lecturing. Certainly gave food for the proverbial thoughts.  You have a nice on camera presence and are obviously at ease on the front end of a camera. 

Similarly, I was going to work on a similar video piece, but I couldn't figure out where to put the car chase, the shootout and the gratuitous lovemaking scenes...

Randy Wilson


Thanks, Tony.

Our industry is losing good people to other trades, maybe we can turn it around.  Don't jump ship just yet.

Steve, thanks, I'll pass it on.  Dave is probably stuck in a hole or something, so he won't see this until the weekend.

Brian,  I'm thinking we need to get you out of Kalifornia before it's too late.


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