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In The Lab: Hoban, Dr. Derek Settle and a bunch of Nematodes

Randy Wilson


Mark Hoban takes us inside Dr. Derek Settle's secret laboratory, where they conduct all sorts of research on both kinds of nematodes:  The Bad Guys and the Good Guys.

This is another one of Hoban's college level courses, so be prepared to learn some things about nematodes you didn't know, along with a strategy for managing the little . . . rascals.

If you need Mystic Order of Greenkeeper CEU points, be sure to stay 'til the end, because there is a summation and a test.




Recommended Comments

Matt Crowther, CGCS


This is just the best. Lots of professors will toss a humorous slide into a presentation but no one has Buddy. Everything with Buddy is just better. Mark is truly an inspiration. Thank-you for continuing to show us how the job Should be done. His paradigm shift seems so simple but we all know it is not as easy as saying I want to work towards plant health and beneficials as opposed to simply controlling the bad guys. Bravo to you both

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Randy Wilson


Thanks, Matt.

Mark and Derek are doing all sorts of research, I can't keep up with all they've got going on.

Buddy has begun to demand some sort of award for his work, so I'm gonna have to order him that Oscar statue.

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