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Rockbottum Radio: News, Tips & Analysis for August, 2020

Randy Wilson


news_tips.jpgIn this episode, RW and gang deal with "News Depression" and how to fix it, as well as "Skin Cancer and The GCS"... and our solution. 

Rockbottum tackles questionable turf lab results and the best way to cure them, and studies an important survey that affects the golf course crew.

Also, they discuss spoiled tour players, the impact of social media on our jobs, and then go in-depth on the current golf boom and how to sustain it.

Presented by DryJect.

(This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)

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Mark Hoban CGCS


Once again and as always ,you are so ahead of the curve.  You would think by now all of the golf publications would have put out what you are expressing now.  Why have they not said we give up Randy!   Help us to see your clarity and stay on the leading edge of societal  evolution.  Thank you for beaming us in on the essence of our profession and always with a smile.  You have become the perfect morning in my day where all is well and golf is just a game and good stretch of the legs.  Thank you.

Randy Wilson



I only understood a few of them words.  I'm thinkin' you minored in philosophy and elocutionary discourse.

Kevin Ross, CGCS


Great stuff! Now I know why I lost my hair......used the same sunscreen?

Randy Wilson



I think your hair was burned off by riding your time trial bike so fast--when you get above 25mph, a vortex induction is created inside the helmet and before you know it, you've grown a great head of skin.

My hair loss was most likely too much growth retardant.  Fuzzy and no shine.

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