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Rockbottum Radio: Rivermont - not the ABCDEFGs - is the Future...

Randy Wilson


rivermont.jpgIn this October episode of Rockbottum Radio, RW explains why Rivermont Golf Club is the Model for the future of golf... Ludell recalls the worst GCS tyrant ever... and the gang discusses what makes the best face masks. Before he takes us along for a trip to the dermatologist, RW tells how to be a legendary golf architect.

Also, just before heading out to early vote, the pro shop tunes into a mysterious broadcast from RW's long forgotten Altered Ego, Ydnar, who offers a solution to the chaos of 2020.

Presented by DryJect.



Recommended Comments

Paul R. Wilson


I’m a member at Rivermont!  We love Chris, Mark and the down to earth golf culture at Rivermont!!  The course is in amazing shape, even after 90 inches of rain in 2020 so far.

Mark Hoban CGCS


My new favorite member😎  I think Paul forgot to mention to tell people to hurry up and come play it before I screw it up. 

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