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Close Encounters of the Golf Kind

Randy Wilson


According to Ludell's contacts in the intelligence community, June of 2021 will see a huge release of UFO film, video, and documents formerly classified beyond Top Secret.

(They will, however, continue to suppress the mysterious connection between golf and Alien Space Ships.)

If you can handle the truth, watch this explosive film from RBCC, the longest running webisode on the whole dang internet.



Recommended Comments

Mark Hoban CGCS


This one was pure greatness Randy!  Thanks for bringing back some of the characters we have missed.  Oscars all around especially filming and editing.  

Randy Wilson


Thanks, Mark.  Since you brought up missing characters, it's about time to exhume that "Mad Scientist of Golf" fella.

Brian Nettz, CGCS


Best one yet.  Was this inspired by the Bob Lazar documentary on Netflix?

Randy Wilson


Thanks, Brian.

I guess that's part of it.  I read "Operation Blue Book" as a 13 yr old and the next day had to do one of those 15 hour long prop-job Lufthansa flights back to the States and the entire time had my face glued to the window, expecting to see something, anything, even that creature sitting on the wing that freaked out Captain Kirk, but noooooo, nothing.

So I did this film.

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