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New beginnings...

Paul MacCormack


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New year, new digs. A time for grabbing life by the horns and doing something that you've never done before. How about expanding the mind, breaking down thought barriers... that is what this blog is going to be all about. It will serve as a utility cart full of ideas, and not necessarily all new. Maybe some are the same ones you used to think about when you were a young lad or lassie walk mowing greens or hand watering for what seemed like forever.

You know what I mean. We have all had these ideas bubbling just below the surface at one time or another. This blog hopes to poke some deep tine holes, give those ideas some air and let them breathe a bit.

This blog hopes to poke some deep tine holes, give those ideas some air and let them breathe a bit.

The crux of this blog really started about five years ago with a pretty standard life-shattering event. I lost what I thought was my dream job (more on that in another post) which cracked me open and has not fully sealed itself since. Deep tine holes give breathing space. 

Posted ImageAt the time, everyone gave me the standard line, 'It will be the best thing that ever happened to you...' Well, you know what? They were right. That event started me on a personal renaissance, one that continues to the present moment. It changed how I looked at life, myself, the people around me, and my job.

Writing is not been something I have ever done a lot of... but thinking is. Always thinking, never ending... hard to turn the damn thing off.

This blog is not about turning the thinking off; it's going to be about letting the heads run to field capacity until the ideas are spilling out the drain tiles. The ideas will be about everything and nothing at all. They will  be mined from my own personal reflections and what I have learned over the past long while, but they will come from other sources as well. They come from friends and foes, from those you love and from those you don't love so much.

...it's going to be about letting the heads run to field capacity until the ideas are spilling out the drain tiles.

The TurfNet Forum has the ideas we look for from time to time. You know, the ones that move us below the surface and really get down beneath the thatch layer. These ideas should come from you...so don't hesitate to talk back, as much as you see fit. My ideas are no better than yours, so let them flow.

Settle in and enjoy the ride. Some of the ideas may bounce right off, some may not make much sense at all. But the hope is that a few will stick, and give you pause for thought. Just a wee bit of reflection that could maybe spur you on to expand the idea in your own mind. You never know where it might take you.

Thanks for reading...


Recommended Comments

Guest John Boyle


Thanks Paul, inspirational for myself already. Needed a boost.............

Looking forward to your future articles, all the best.


John Boyle

Guest Paul


So true. Keep it up from a fellow Paul.

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