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Mike Lecavalier: From a dark place to fit, sober and happy

Peter McCormick


Mike Lecavalier has been the golf course superintendent at the Kanawaki Golf Club in Montreal, Quebec for 17 years. For 13 of those years, and quite a few prior, he had a serious alcohol problem. Almost four years ago he looked himself in the mirror and admitted to himself that he needed help, and turned to friends, then AA, and ultimately the gym and a personal trainer.

Here is his story, in audiocast or video.


Recommended Comments

Kory Kopko


Great interview!   
thanks for sharing and putting this together 

Steve Neuliep, CGCS


As Joe stated, thank you Mike for your courage to share your story!

It sure opened my eyes to the depths of addiction and really better helps me understand the struggles that my brother went through with his battles with alcohol!!

I look forward to the next edition of this Series.

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