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Rutgers Winter School 2022: Observations, Anecdotes and Life Lessons Learned

Peter McCormick


I had the pleasure of speaking to the 2022 graduating class of the Rutgers Golf Turf Professional Management School back in March.

I somewhat invited myself, I guess, since Robert Moinichen, class president, had contacted me over the winter in search of a speaker and asked who the most recent Superintendent of the Year was. Well, we don't do Superintendent of the Year anymore, I had to tell him, but if you're really stuck I'd be happy to do it myself. As a Rutgers alumnus with deep roots in the New Jersey turf community, I figured I'd be an OK substitute. They concurred and accepted my offer.

I try to not do the usual or expected in anything I do. With 20 minutes to fill, I pared down a longer presentation I've given before elsewhere about observations, anecdotes, and sometimes hard-earned experiences about turf management and life that I've racked up over the years. It was difficult to tell over Zoom, but I think it resonated with them. At least I hope some of it did. There's a lot to absorb and think about.

If you can make it through to the end, I included some comments made by Ned Lipman, retired director of the Rutgers Office of Continuing Professional Education which oversees the entire Rutgers winter school program. I have known Ned for 30+ years back to my time on the board of the New Jersey Turfgrass Association (we participated in the hiring of Dr. Jim Murphy right out of Michigan State back in the day, to give you an idea of time frame), but hadn't seen him for years. His very nice comments were unexpected but very much appreciated.

In addition to Robert Moinichen, I would like to thank Laura Boyd, program coordinator, who made the process easy, stress-free and fun, and also sent along a nice box of swag afterwards. I truly enjoyed reconnecting with the Rutgers turf community.

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