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Jordon Bowling, Biltmore Forest Country Club

Peter McCormick


Jordon Bowling found his calling into turfgrass management a little later than most, at 22 with a six-month old son to boot. His brother-in-law, Chad Kuzawa, was an NC State turf grad making the rounds of some clubs in the southeast and convinced Jordon to visit from his home in Michigan and shadow him for a couple of days. That set things in motion.

He enrolled in the turf management program at Wayne Community College in NC and worked at Wedgewood GC, then Country Club of Virginia, Carolina Country Club and Wade Hampton Golf Club before signing on as the first assistant at Biltmore Forest Country Club in Asheville, NC.

Jordon tells us about his journey to date, his experiences and mentors, and what hopefully lies ahead for him. Complete disclosure: Chad Kuzawa is an agronomist for EarthWorks (one of our sponsors) and recommended Jordon, among others. That's OK... he qualifies as a Rising Star in our book. Listen or watch.


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