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All Star of Turf: Michael Morris, CGCS

Peter McCormick


Our latest All Star of Turf is Michael Morris, CGCS, 36-year Director of Buildings and Grounds at Crystal Downs Country Club in Frankfort, Michigan. A native of Frankfort,  Mike is one of the few golf course property managers who has spent his entire career at one course, in his hometown. He is also a rarity in obtaining a BA and MS in English and film studies at Michigan State before realizing that life on the golf course spoke to him more than a future in academia.

He is known internationally for his work with Dr. Thom Nikolai in quantifying the effects of lightweight rolling and other greens maintenance practices on ball roll distance and putting green consistency.  They took that a step further by correlating that data with golfer satisfaction in order to determine the ideal or proper green speed range for a particular golfing clientele. Together, Mike and Thom presented seminars for GCSAA for over 10 years, around the world.

Mike also researched the effects of cutting unit sharpness and adjustment on putting green health and presentation, co-presenting a 5-day QOC Week webinar series for TurfNet back in 2014. He has also presented several webinars and podcasts over the years with John Reitman and Frank Rossi.

Some sage wisdom from an astute, thoughtful and courteous career superintendent. We are pleased to recognize his contributions to the industry.  Watch or listen.


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