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The Season Waits for No One...

Adam Garr


In my previous life as a sales rep, I was visiting a private club right around this time of year. I was shocked to see the superintendent still had his greens covered, when everyone else in town had removed them in mid-March.

I had to ask. “What’s with the covers?”

“I’m not ready for the season to start,” the superintendent replied.

Normally I’m not one to be lost for words, but a long silence followed. I could see the superintendent was dead serious.

“What do you mean you’re not ready? The season’s started. People are already out playing golf at other clubs!”

“I just need another week,” the superintendent said. “Then I’ll be ready.”

This head-scratching moment left me chuckling for a good part of the day. Ready or not, the season was here. There was no point in denying it, unless the goal was to pursue another line of work.

Ready or not, the season was here. There was no point in denying it, unless the goal was to pursue another line of work...

Look, I get it. The season is long enough as is. Who wouldn’t want to steal another week of winter to spend time with family? But probably not advisable to do that at the expense of your employer.

As a superintendent, I always looked forward to springtime. The smell of fresh cut grass in the air, shiny new accessories finding their way back out on the course, and the excitement building around the Masters Tournament. More than anything, I was happy to see my team come back to work after a long winter. It’s such a satisfying feeling to see the golf course come alive again and members back out there enjoying themselves.

The season waits for no one. Sometimes it starts early, and sometimes it starts late. It all evens out, I suppose. Whatever the case, I know the days don’t feel long enough for everything you’re trying to get accomplished. Best to take it a day at a time and just enjoy the journey.

As I write this, it sure feels like spring is here. Hopefully it finds you more ready than not. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to snag a pimento cheese sandwich from this little place I know down south.


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