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Heatherns At The Gate

Randy Wilson


Do you secretly watch Rockbottum CC, the longest running webisode on the entire internet?  You're not alone.  If you're new here, try to follow these rules and your job will be safe:  Never admit you watch, even to your most trusted associates.  Don't admit actually  knowing anyone from Rockbottum . . . and never, ever say anything in the comment section.       

Now watch this film or I'll tell Momma.       




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Peter McCormick


"No, you ain't dead, you're just stupid." -- Uncle Obi

Now my life is complete.

Randy Wilson



Uncle Obie is one of the voices in my head.  He's not that much fun, but he's helpful when I'm writing scripts.   

Randy Wilson


Steve, I was hoping for that job, but Momma demoted me even further . . . teaching pro.

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