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David Webner, Westwood Country Club, Rocky River, OH

Peter McCormick


David Webner is winding up a 42 year career in golf turf management, the last almost-25 of which have been as the golf course superintendent at Westwood Country Club in Rocky River, Ohio, on the west side of Cleveland. Peter McCormick caught up with David and got some fascinating insight into what makes him tick.

Starting out as a night waterman and skunk-hunter at a local 18-hole, low budget Mom & Pop, David quickly learned by doing... a work ethic he kept with him throughout his career. "I know I'm not the sharpest tack in the box," he said, "so I knew I was just going to have to work harder than everyone else."

He soon enrolled in Penn State's two-year program — with classmates that included Kevin Ross and Ken Flisek — and was taught by the venerable Drs. Duich, Waddington, Shetlar and Watschke. Admitting to being intimidated by Dr. joe Duich, David credits Dr. Tom Watschke with making him observe and think from various viewpoints.

One of Webner's early jobs was second assistant at Canterbury Golf Club in Beachwood, Ohio, were Terry Bonar was a notch above him as first assistant, on his way to a long career as superintendent at Canterbury. The two became fast friends and stayed in touch beyond Bonar's retirement until his death within the past year.

There's a lot more, so watch or listen in.


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