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Week In Review, End of May, 2013

Dave Wilber


97a6f07adbc69ba25f303ea5356003d9-.jpgI took some random notes this past week. Not that I don't know what I do, but the thought occurred to me that some people don't know that much about what I do and might find it interesting. Or, perhaps they may just think that what they thought was true may not be at all. Or... well, perhaps it means nothing...!


How about some stats:


Miles Driven: 1,278

Gallons Fuel Burned: 74

Texts Sent/Received: 227

Emails Received: 374

Phone Min Used: 737

Crappy Road Meals: 11

Starbucks Stops: 9

Near miss accidents: 3

Conference Calls/Webinars: 3

Lowest Temp Recorded: 25

Highest Temp Recorded: 102

Speeding Tickets: 1

Soil  and Water Tests Reviewed: 41

MRI Scans: 1

Kidney Stones Passed: 2


So really (save the speeding ticket and the kidney stones), a pretty normal late spring/early summer week. Memorial day was in there, so that slowed things down a little, but not much. Grass doesn't know about holidays.


Writing this on a Sunday morning means I have a little time off the road to reflect on a couple things:


1. I'm sure that people don't realize how hard supers are working during the pre-summer madness. And really, the number of hours may not be as important as the total effort put down. A common thread is staff training. I heard almost a dozen times about headaches caused by staff training issues. "It's constant On The Job Training around here", said one super. Simple things just take longer and that means harder work.


2. Early season watering continues to confuse everyone. Lots of questions about this and lots of people telling me after the fact that they watered too much and now realize it. Getting water into the ground helps. Surfactants have their place in early season programs.



So really (save the speeding ticket and the kidney stones), a pretty normal late spring/early summer week.


3. Warm Season oriented facilities are loving the opportunity to plan projects and get a little work done. Pretty simple here. They've spent the winter working their hind ends off for players and their events. Time to move onto the improvement phase.


4. Nowhere has the weather been normal. This seems to be the cry. But know what, weather is always different. Blame Global Warming or Dragon's Breath, it's going to be different every year. Thus the reason I preach soil temp and weather monitoring. Be done with guess work and don't tell me you "think" it's about time to apply.


246770eb0f281fc95fe43e2cefb7ab7d-.jpegAt any rate, for me, it's been a fun and somewhat busy week filled with lots of great interaction and some insanity. Just how I like it. A small health challenge that is part of my life these days, isn't really so bad if I look at what it could be.


Major troubles on my end? Well, I'm not thrilled with the trucking and transportation system in our country and reduced inventories from manufacturers have everyone scrambling. This goes for consumables as well as iron and parts. Nothing but delays and telling people that things that used to take X time now take X plus Y. Being ahead has never been more important. Expect to pay dearly for rushing things.


I found a quote I liked which kind of makes it all seem like there's fun in everything:


Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. - Rumi


So how was your last week? Share a few details! May help you conjure up a blog post and may help you know that you don't have it so bad.


Just comment below!! 

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Paul MacCormack


Any time you can end a post with Rumi, it's alllllllllllright......


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