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The Forbidden VinylGuard Experiment

Randy Wilson


Last week, Rockbottum Research Labs achieved a major breakthrough in the field of Protective First Layer Garments, or PFLG.


We have been under intense pressure to release our findings, regardless of the fact that our data analysis is incomplete.


We were prepared to publish our findings regarding our innovative work with the miracle element known as VinylGuard, until we became aware of a mysterious scientific anomaly while reviewing the video used for documenting the experiment.


As a result of the information on that video, we have suspended all PFLG research until such time as we can ascertain what went wrong.


Until then, we have classified this research as Forbidden (Verboten) and urge other scientists of our caliber not to attempt to duplicate the experiment shown in the following video tape.


NOTE:  This video has been released for the purpose of warning other scientists and is not to be used for stealing intellectual property or wasting time.



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