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A Typical Day At Rockbottum CC

Randy Wilson


Can you you handle the pressure of managing a golf course through a difficult summer?  Learn how it's done from hardened veterans of several decades of Deep South summer campaigns.


At Rockbottum Country Club, we know precisely when to go deep and infrequent, because we learned the concept on pushup clay bent in temps of 100+, while experts with no actual GCS experience told us to dry 'em out.


"...because we learned the concept on pushup clay bent in temps of 100+, while experts with no actual GCS experience told us to dry 'em out."


That's how we achieved the attractive look of wispy thin and yellow dying bent on an adobe brick.


On pushup clay, we chose swamp greens to stay employed, told everyone--even under torture--that we were only irrigating on Tuesday nights with just a squirt gun--until we were rescued by Ultra-Dwarf.


See if you can identify the putting surface in the final segment of this training film.  First correct guess wins a beer with Ludell at B&P this year.



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