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A Big Huge Announcement From Rockbottum CC

Randy Wilson


It's almost Autumn.  My career as a "Bad Golf Course Fixer" would not have been possible without the existence of Homelite, Jonsered, Sachs-Dolmar, several Husky 268s . . . and Autumn.


In late summer, I always had a tendency to dance around like a madman released early from the asylum, in anticipation of the real work:  Surgical removal of turf-strangling, golf-suppressing large woody vertical golf hazards.


Success in this area requires preparation, before the leaves fall.  Covert marking of target trees is critical, especially those trees in early morning shade patterns on greens, trees leaning in on tees and fairways and trees found on the golf course.*  (And any sweetgums within 5 miles of the course)


As you watch our Big Huge Announcement, keep in mind, we have a depressingly short attention span.


*Note:  We love trees.  We even own a forest where no trees are molested.  But we don't play golf in that forest and we certainly don't try to grow perfect stands of closely-mown turf there.


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