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Unspoken job requirement...

Peter McCormick


I'm not a huge fan of Twitter -- I prefer my conversations to be a touch deeper than 140 characters will allow -- but I follow turf-related tweets and do find certain things of value.  Amidst all the extrania, I love the photos. Golf course sunrises, maintenance practices du jour, summer crew shenanigans, golfer foibles... they're all good.


Somebody out there in the Twitterverse had the foresight to register the Twitter handle @superproblems and aggregate tweets from superintendents all around the world facing certain... uh... obstacles that particular day.  From Monday morning mainline breaks to triplex scalps through the collar, equipment breakdowns to mowers in the pond -- most with humorous captions -- they illustrate one important personality attribute I have NEVER seen stated as a requirement on a superintendent job posting: a sense of humor.




Let's face it:  a long career as a superintendent is all about mistake avoidance... at least those of one's own doing.  But no day on the golf course would be complete without some sort of malfunction -- brain, equipment or otherwise -- that tests one's patience, sanity and ultimate career endurance.


Hey, s#it happens, as the popular saying goes.  How one deals with it is key. Blow a fuse, pop a cork, let your head explode?  Not usually the best tack to take.  


Better to chuckle and chalk it up to "superproblems"... part of the job description.


A sampling from recent weeks:



@JordanNemitz: "looks like a good place to park..."



@alexhprice: "Attn. operators: under no circumstances

should you pick up any sticks, just mow around them."



@jmazowi: "Rope stakes for decoration..."



@JohnnyHCC: "Topdressing today, now we have

enough rock to build a wall. NFG!"



@CJgolfturf: "I mowed most of it."



@CKuzawa: "Is that deck supposed to be there?"



@Therealbobherr: "It must be Friday."


You get the picture...



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