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The 'new direction'...

Peter McCormick


A long-time TurfNet member got 'the news' from his club last week. (I almost started off that sentence with "another" rather than "a", hopefully not a harbinger of a trend.)


He had served that club for 33 years, the last 30 as superintendent.


No recent mistakes, turf loss, malfeasance or other gruel for the axman. Quite the contrary, in fact, with a multitude of projects (including a multi-year renovation) successfully completed.  He had just been awarded a larger than usual performance bonus. Then the pink slip.


Posted ImageThe club wants to go in a new direction. Of course.  


At least "a new direction" has replaced "the next level" as the favored dismissal cliche' these days.




No conversations.  No discussion. No "come to Jesus" meetings. No sit-downs, no warnings. No recourse.


This type of thing should be illegal.  If not age discrimination, it's at least salary discrimination... but I don't think the latter is litigatable.  


At the very minimum, on a human level it's unethical, heartless and cruel.


I hope he had a contract.  Let's see... 30 years at one month severance per year served, that's 2-1/2 years of cushion for him while he "figures out how to reboot his life" (a direct quote).


Let's see... 30 years at one month severance per year served, that's 2-1/2 years of cushion for him while he "figures out how to reboot his life"...


Hit 'em in the ass for a couple hundred grand as you clean out 30 years of your stuff.  But avoid the temptation to flip them the bird as you walk down the road.  You're better than that.  They're not, as they just did it.


If you don't have an employment contract, get one.  'Cause this type of thing just underscores that nobody is safe or secure.


I love this industry, but this is the one part of it that I hate.


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Guest John Cummings, CGCS Retired


You are writing this more and more often now Peter, sadly. Takes me back to Nov 2008. Can anything really be done, honestly? Too many personalities come into play...oh, and the ego and power plays.


Been there, done that. It's no fun. Networking and faith and family are so important in times like this.


We all thank you for writing these type comments, hopefully, they will sink in somewhere and help someone in the future.

Steve Neuliep, CGCS


Peter, I understand your mindset about employment contracts, however and unfortunately contracts are only as good as the people that stand behind them. Especially in a state that is an "employment at will" state. Additionally, more and more states are going this direction. I thought I had a pretty "iron clad" contract and still had to go to court to get any of the severance that my contract said I was due!! I guess and this has been brought up so many times before, we ALL need to have a plan B and perhaps plan C. Just my two cents...SN

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