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What's in Your Wallet?

Frank Rossi


I am away from Cornell for the next five days in Tampa, FL at the Tri-Societies Meetings, i.e., Agronomy, Crops and Soils. This meeting will be attended by more than 5,000 scientists and professionals interested in the SCIENCE of crop production. You may wonder, what the hell are you doing at a meeting of Agronomists, aren't you in Horticulture?


I figure if I have a Ph.D., I have got to be a MAJOR turf geek!


Yes in NY, and when I was in WI, and many other states Turfgrass Science is in Horticulture. Yet when I was at Michigan State, Turfgrass Science was in Crop and Soil Science (Agronomy). This matters little, yet what does matter is this is the epicenter of "Turf Geekdom" for the next five days. I've decided since my blogeague (Dave Wilbur) has embraced being a turf geek, I figure if I have a Ph.D., I have got to be a MAJOR turf geek!


It is a time when I am able to immerse myself in my scientific discipline. It is my own professional development. As an Extension Specialist, I must be a resource for my NY constituents on matters relating to the science of growing turf. An interpreter if you will of the complex scientific principles that assist with improving decision-making and ultimately in hopes of enhancing turfgrass performance and management efficiency.


If you can't afford the National meeting, then are you looking for education, even outside of turfgrass management


Considering professional development, what are you doing to grow professionally. Do you take the time to attend meetings, or are you a slave to the sales folks who come to you? Are you engaged in the the TurfNet community or your local association?  If you can't afford the National meeting, then are you looking for education, even outside of turfgrass management, maybe you need some human resource training, some immigration labor training, communication during crisis training, etc.


If you think about professional development as putting money in your wallet, by improving your skills and value to your organization, then the question is, "what's in your wallet".

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Dave Wilber




It took me like 3.8 minutes to try to figure out this word. I like it. But it comes out of my mouth sounding like Blah-Geeg. Which is a combo I'm not sure of.

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