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Me Wish You A Merry Christmas

Dave Wilber


4e2e7298d72d8c8606c82d0a6296a9d1-.jpgI absolutely can not believe that it is Christmas 2013. Can't. Because it seems like just 28 days ago it was March of 2013 and Christmas 2012.


Clearly something happened this year in what seemed to be fleeting days filled with fun, hassle, joy and abject stupidity.


It seems like this time of year polarizes lots of people. (see what I did there...Polar...). Be it family stuff or religious stuff or weather stuff or just plain stuff, the Holidays put people to the act of decision of some sort. And for many, including me, that can be really hard. This year, to be with family in Colorado or here where I live in Northern California was the toughest choice ever as my aging Mom deals with the stuff of, well, aging. Tough Stuff.


I can't say that 2013 has been filled only with scenes out of It's A Turfhead's Wonderful Life. I think many of you would agree that our world, our business, our weather and our golfers have changed and not really always for the best. The effect is pulled by capillary and non-capillary pores into areas of my life that I never dreamed it would affect. Do I love it? Sure? Like I used to? Maybe, but it's a different kind of love. Perhaps that's the evolution of anything passionate. The degree of love comes and goes or radiates in different ways. But I've always said that this business of ours is a people business. Sure, we have to do the Cinchbugs, Manganese and you know... Nitrogen. But I'm truly and deeply in love with the people in our work world and consider myself to be beyond lucky to be honored enough to have Turfheads as friends, clients and sometimes colleagues.



I can't say that 2013 has been filled only with scenes out of 
It's A Turfhead's Wonderful Life




So whatever Christmas is or isn't for you. Whatever the Holidays are or are not, it really doesn't matter. Because I'm sure that all of you (and me) need as many blessings as possible.


Like Carl Spackler learned from the Lama, it's the bad (although long) shot (right by the glacier) followed by the blessings (gungula) followed by the enlightened state of total consciousness that should be the pattern of greatness. Which is nice. Somehow, I don't think your version of Power That Be minds a big slice as much as simply just quitting.


Your life and your work are a blessing to you and others, and I guess so is mine. And isn't that what giving is really all about? It's not about Stuff. That's for sure.


From the bottom of my heart, I wish each and every person reading this an amazing, wonderful and joyous Christmas. I'm proud to be a part of the thing called TurfNet and of being in our often crazy and mostly misunderstood business.  


And for the upcoming New Year? We are going to do some agronomy. For right now? A bit of a break and a celebration is in order. Do that. Celebrate in whatever form the season means for you.





The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live. - George Carlin


1 Comment

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Ross Miller, CGCS


Well said Dave, well said.


Could not have ended it any better than with a George Carlin quote!!!




Ross Miller

Golf Course Superintendent, Championship Course

Trump National Golf Club, Washington DC

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