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Busy Body...

Paul MacCormack


Family Circus by Bil KeaneJust the other day my wife told me a story an acquaintance of hers shared. It was the story of a little girl having a difficult time adjusting to her newborn sibling. The little girl had been an only child for the first five years of her life and was now fearful that her parents wouldn't have enough love left for her after they loved the new baby. We've all have heard the tale in one version or another and the answer is always the same; Love grows with each new child that we embrace. This little one should be comforted by the knowledge that her parents' love for her will not lessen simply because a new little person has entered the scene.


After recently applying for and accepting the new dual role of superintendent and general manager here at Fox Meadow, I have to ask myself a similar question: Does my energy grow to fit my new commitment the way a new parent?s love grows exponentially... or is there a limit to the energy I have to offer to the various roles and commitments in my life?


There is an old saying that goes "If you want something done ask a busy person to do it." At this point I am not altogether convinced this saying holds much wisdom. What I do know is that busy people oftentimes get asked to do more things. Trust me on this one. Agree to be on a board and before you know it you are head of three committees and being invited to serve on several more. Now don't get me wrong, there are a lot of busy people giving of themselves in volunteer positions and helping to make this world a better place. What I am saying is that with increasing involvement and responsibility come ever increasing opportunities for further involvement and, unlike a parents love, our energy to give towards new ventures does not grow exponentially.


If you want something done ask a busy person to do it..."


804af3436b30eba2a8243d2f8caeb080-.jpgIf you find yourself in a similar situation, lots of extraneous demands and not enough time or energy to fulfill them all as well as you would like, perhaps it's time to take a step back and evaluate your top priorities. Love, family, personal well being and a well rounded work environment are all important places for me to direct my energy. Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community, but it can spread you too thin if saying 'no' is a problem.


It is always wisest to direct one's energy to fewer things and do them exceptionally well, rather than continually say 'yes' and burning out in the long run. Less is more when you do it well.


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