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The Dark Side of GIS

Randy Wilson


Gangs, Emasculating Apps, Twitter Zombies and Skiddly-Diddly.  These things and more were witnessed by the Rockbottum TV crew at GIS.


It must be said, we have been extremely positive about our experience at The Big Show, portraying the GIS in the best possible light.  We completely banished all negative thoughts and energy from our previous VLOG broadcast.


But make no mistake, there was a Dark Side.  Upon arriving at the Center, we discovered our booth assignment was out in the parking lot, behind a dumpster.  (The only visitor we had was nocturnal and he didn't buy a single Rockbottum hat.)


He did, however, eat all of Momma's baked goods and turn over our trash can, so we've determined that he was either a raccoon or a Twitter Zombie.


Since we encountered more Twitter Zombies on the GIS floor than raccoons, we're going with that explanation, especially since the number of folks wandering around staring at their hands and bumping into one another seemed to increase every day until it culminated in an orgy of twit-worship.


It was like watching a coven of neck-beards practicing Harry Potter techno-wizardry at a Justin Beaver concert.


We're hoping next year's fixation will be on GCS physical fitness, rather than digital aerobics.


Recommended Comments

Dave Wilber


More Dancing. What's next, Cat Videos and Google Glass Scavenger Hunts?

Randy Wilson


During that shoot, the one overwhelming concern was, "This is gonna spark Wilber up".


We don't do cat vids anymore, since the PETA protest messed up a whole day at Rockbottum CC.

Matt Crowther, CGCS


The highlight of my GIS was meeting Buddy and now the highlight of 2014 is the skiddly diddidly. Almost wet myself..... This will be etched in my brain and every time Kiger tweets for listeners of his celtic show I will think of this. Thanks

Trevor Dargan


Great to see you at GIS . Just love the darkside of GIS and thanks for the mention. Kiger and his skiddly diddly. Top marks guys.

Jeff Sweet


Great once again Randy. Loved the mention of that PhD from up north and that website. Puts a smile on my face

Randy Wilson


Thanks, Jeff.

Some folks just give me too much to work with.


Also, thanks Trevor . . . and Buddy and I are still working on a good definition of "Beer Monsters".

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