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Let's get physical...

Paul MacCormack


e7d8aa6b0628244ee15a81ebf906e599-.pngFundamental # 1 is physical fitness. There are not too many things in this life that give you better return on your investment than getting into shape.  Despite the prevailing wisdom, it doesn't have to cost much either. It changes everything, from the shape of your waistline to your state of mind... and when your outlook changes, life gets more manageable.


Our intrepid bloggers here at TurfNet have been touting the benefits of getting in shape for years. You can watch the Rockbottum crew here: Backpacking for the Golf Course Superintendent


...and head On Course to watch Kevin Ross on skis.


You might be asking yourself, "what's in it for me? what are the benefits?"


Here are a few:

  • Reduces stress & anxiety - just sweat it out
  • Normalizes sleep patterns - we all need sleep and anything that could help us achieve better quality snooze time is definitely worth trying.
  • Boosts your immune system - no sick is good sick
  • Improves your self-image - you just carry yourself differently
  • Increases your energy levels - energy is precious and we have to preserve what little we have                                     

So what is a busy superintendent to do? You may be sitting there reading this thinking, "How am I going to fit anything else into my already crazy schedule?" Well, the funny thing about making something a priority is that time then magically appears. If you put your intention on getting your body moving then you always find the space to fit it into your day. Here are a few tips and tricks:

  • 3918d071ce5160438eac69a95a4d970a-.pngStart slow - you will be sore, so just take it easy
  • Don?t get hung up on gimmicks and unrealistic promises - things like P90X and the Brazilian Butt Lift are great, but sometimes pretty unrealistic. Take it easy and just do what you can.
  • Make it a part of your day... every day - a little on a little turns into a lot, so even a few pull ups and long walks moves things in the right direction
  • Balance is key ? you don't have to be a tri-athlete like Dr. Frank, just find what works for you
  • Don?t forget to play - especially with your kids... no better return on your investment, and keeping up with kids is always a workout
  • Commit to it but don?t be too hard on yourself -  we all slip up, just get back at it
  • Try something new - Yoga works nicely or you could ask Chris Tritabaugh about swinging kettlebells.

So give it a go. Take the time to think of something fun to do and then, as the sneaker people say, just do it!


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